How do I do "Range(A1).text" in a XL forumla?

  • Thread starter Maury Markowitz
  • Start date

Maury Markowitz

I do almost all of my coding in VBA, not Excel, so this one is new to

I have an external lookup plug-in (BBG) that returns "#N/A" if the
lookup fails. I have populated a column in my sheet with these
formulas, some of which return #N/A, and others that return numbers. I
would like to make a formula that uses the number if it's there, and
ignores it if it's #N/A.

In code I would simply refer do this:

Left(Range(A1).text,1) <> "#"

But how do I do this in an XL formula?


Jim Thomlinson

There is logical function ISNA so something like

=if(ISNA(A1), "Error", "OK")

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