Rob said:
Hi again q,
The normal keyboard shortcut for Back is Alt+rightarrow (see the View>Go to
menu in IE)
Do you have any toolbar add-ins that may be re-mapping your keyboard
shortcuts? The Backspace key on my puter has no navigation effects!
no add-ons. Infact I recently formatted. Win XP sp2, IE v6.
When you're in a textbox, it works as a backspace, but, otherwise it
goes back.
Try going to google groups and getting the tree view, and clicking a
name, then hitting backspace, it'll go back until it reaches
where the default focus is the textbox so it won't go back further.
Unless you click outside the textbox.
At least, that's how it is for me and many others. If you were to
google usenet for disable backspace internet explorer go back shortcut,
there are loads of people getting mad about it!
"Backspace Issue on IE 6"
"backspace IE 5 problem"
"Annoying IE problem with Backspace key"
"backspace key on IE sends me back"
So the Question now is Howcome the bug/feature hasn't got to you
Or how are you getting around it. ?
or, are you sure backspace isn't going back in your IE browser?!