How do I dinamically add controls and events to a Web Form



I have this problem...
I want to add controls to a WebForm (any kind of controls... panels,
buttons, datagrids,...) at runtime and I could do that with
HtmlControls :" Label myLabel = new Label();
this.Controls.Add(myLabel) " but I don't know how to add events to
them such as onClick, OnKeyDown... There is a ServerClick event that
doesn't seem to be working...
If anyone could help me :wink:


do you want to add HTML controls or Server controls dynamically?

you should create them in Page_Load (do not put them in !IsPostBack)
and for events add

ServerClick works on the server as if the button is server control. it
worked for me.



The thing is that I want to dinamicaly create a web page from scratch
: to add controls and events to them from a database containing
properties and events. So I tried to add controls at runtime and the
only controls I could add were HtmlControls... But with the events is
a bit difficult because I want to do a postback to the server telling
it I pushed that button and I want to add another label or whatever
according to the button's event, and the server to send me the new
page :)

I tried it this way but it doesn't work... it's all written in the
code-behind file where I want to put most of my code if possible:
void myfunc()
aLabel.Text="it worked!"; //something to tell me it

void aButton_click(..)
HtmlButton myButton=new HtmlButton();

Maybe I didn't understand correctly the thing with HtmlControls...

Thanks for your help :)

Hans Kesting

vladvadeanu said:
The thing is that I want to dinamicaly create a web page from scratch
: to add controls and events to them from a database containing
properties and events. So I tried to add controls at runtime and the
only controls I could add were HtmlControls... But with the events is
a bit difficult because I want to do a postback to the server telling
it I pushed that button and I want to add another label or whatever
according to the button's event, and the server to send me the new
page :)

I tried it this way but it doesn't work... it's all written in the
code-behind file where I want to put most of my code if possible:
void myfunc()
aLabel.Text="it worked!"; //something to tell me it

void aButton_click(..)
HtmlButton myButton=new HtmlButton();

Maybe I didn't understand correctly the thing with HtmlControls...

Thanks for your help :)

As you found out, this will not work! the "onclick" attribute is
a client-side function. It is not possible to call a server-side
function this way!

What you can do:
write a generic eventhandler. When you add a button to the page,
have it's Click-event handler point to yout generic handler.
In that handler you can check the source to see what button exactly
was clicked.

something like this:

Button myBtn = new Button();
myBtn.Click += new Eventhandler(Generic_Button_Click);
myBtn.ID = "whatever";

private void Generic_Button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// your handler code ..
Button btn = sender as Button;
if (btn != null)
if (btn.ID == "whatever")
// etc...

Hans Kesting

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