Hi Billy
The page numbers may have been inserted using Insert > Page Numbers. When
you use this, Word puts the page number in a frame. To delete it, in the
footer, click on the page number. You might see a border that looks like
//////. Click on that border so you see 6 little black squares. Now press
Delete. That should get rid of the page number, frame and all.
If the page numbers were inserted as a field of text within the footer
itself, you can access them through View > Headers and Footers, and on the
H&F toolbar, click the "Switch between header and footer" button, and delete
whatever you can.
Since page numbering is a property of a section, you need to check ecah
section. if the document has more than one section. Click at the top of the
document, do View > Headers and Footers and switch to the footer. Now, on
the H&F toolbar, use the Show Next button to cycle through all the sections
to make sure the page numbering has been removed from all of them.
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.