How do I delete a checkbox? Right-clicking it doesn't bring up a m



I copied/pasted some text from the internet and now have a checkbox in my
spreadsheet that won't go away. A previous post says to right-click to bring
up a menu, but right-clicking has no effect. Help!

Many thanks.


I copied/pasted some text from the internet and now have a checkbox in my
spreadsheet that won't go away. A previous post says to right-click to bring
up a menu, but right-clicking has no effect. Help!

Many thanks.

Make sure that the check box isn't an image. to find out, simply click
on the check box and if dots appear along the boundaries, then it is
an image. in that case simply hit the delete key on the keyboard and
it should go.


I have not found a way to delete it but I know how to hide that and other
objects. Go to Tools > Options > View tab in the the objects section select
hide all. This should work to hide it, but will also hide any other object
you may have on the spreadsheet tab.

Dave Peterson

Make sure you're in design mode.

View|Toolbars|Control toolbox toolbar
(xl2003 wording)

click on the design mode icon
rightclick on the checkbox and hit delete
click on the design mode icon to toggle back to normal.

close that toolbar.

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