How do I delete a blank clip art box that keeps showing up in my e



After attaching a clip art from the available choices,I sent a message to a
colleague containing the clip art. I now get a blank box in all my sent e
mails that appears to be the clip art without the graphic. When I click on it
under view source, the strings for all the grapics come up in note pad
format.This box does not appear in a new message, but it does show up in all
my sent messages and it blocks out text. Also if I click on it, it is active
so I can resize or delete from the that specifc sent message, but it comes
right back on the next sent message. How do I detete this monster?? My IT
folks are stumped as well.

Brian Tillman

bblack said:
After attaching a clip art from the available choices,I sent a
message to a colleague containing the clip art. I now get a blank box
in all my sent e mails that appears to be the clip art without the
graphic. When I click on it under view source, the strings for all
the grapics come up in note pad format.This box does not appear in a
new message, but it does show up in all my sent messages and it
blocks out text. Also if I click on it, it is active so I can resize
or delete from the that specifc sent message, but it comes right back
on the next sent message. How do I detete this monster?? My IT folks
are stumped as well.

Did you use Word as your mail editor? Perhaps the document template
contains the reference. Delete the template from


Thank you for the suggestion. I will have to veryify that Word is the e mail
editor, I believe it is, but it is worth a shot. Thanks

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