outlook 2003. i have customized a contact card, and would like to convert my
other contacts by running something like the following.
Microsoft Word 97 Outlook Message Class Document
FORMS. This Microsoft Word 97 document uses Visual Basic for Application
automation to change the message class for all items in a Microsoft Outlook
folder. With Outlook, you can create a new form for items such as Contacts
and set the folder's property so that all new Contacts use the new form.
However, old Contacts will still use the old form. The Omsgclas.doc document
allows you to change the message class of each item in the folder so that all
existing items will use a specific custom form. In addition to Contacts, this
solution works with other Outlook item folders.
Note that this utility has been designed for Microsoft Outlook 97 and
Outlook 98 (versions 8.0, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03 and 8.5). Using this utility on
future versions of Outlook may cause unpredictable results.
Open the Word 97 document file (Omsgclas.doc)
Before You Start
Before using the macro, you should know the name of your new form. You can
find the name of your custom form by opening a new item based on the form in
Outlook and then on the File menu, click Properties. The name of your form
appears under the General tab next to "Type."
The following table shows the default Outlook Message Classes:
Starting the Macro
The macro will start automatically every time you open the Omsgclas.doc
file. If you are prompted with a macro virus warning dialog box, select the
option that will enable the macro to run.
Using The Macro
When you start the macro, you will see the following dialog box:
Under Folder, click to select the folder that contains the items that you
want to change. Click Analyze Items to determine the current message class
for items in this folder. The Analyze feature displays a maximum of 10
different message class values. In the New box, type the name of the new
message class for this folder. For example, if you have a new Contact form
named MyForm then type IPM.Contact.MyForm in the New box. Note: The
IPM.Contact. already appears. Click Process Items to change all items in the
folder to the new message class. Click Close when you are finished.
You can repeat this process as many times as you like. For example, to
change the message class back to the default, type IPM.Contact in the New box
and click Process Items.