Can you give us more details, please? First of all: you are using Powerpoint
2003, 2007, or another version?
What sort of picture do you want to crop - is a JPG, PNG, TIFF, or something
else? So, you highlight the picture, click the crop tool and the big, black
signs appear at the edges and at the border of the pictures. You point your
mouse to this black signs, hold the left mouse button and drag it into the
middle of the picture. Up to here, it's ok? You can drag the crop-signs
into the picture? Then you leave the mouse. What happens then: the cropping
is undone, the whole picutre comes up again?
I click on the crop tool and hold down the left mouse button. It
looks like it is going to crop but then nothing happens.
Mit vielen Grüßen
Pia Bork
MVP PowerPoint