I'm building a PocketPC application that I'd like to be able to
secure with a serial number or encrypted license code. Ideally, I
want to offer an full-function, 30-day time-limited evaluation of the
app that can be unlocked when the user buys a license.
Has anyone seen any code examples of this sort of thing? There's a
commercial offering, 1WAY, that I've seen, but it doesn't work on the
PocketPC platform.
I really hate having to reinvent the wheel and am hoping that I've
just missed something really obvious -- a set of convenient objects in
the Compact Framework, maybe???
-- Tony
secure with a serial number or encrypted license code. Ideally, I
want to offer an full-function, 30-day time-limited evaluation of the
app that can be unlocked when the user buys a license.
Has anyone seen any code examples of this sort of thing? There's a
commercial offering, 1WAY, that I've seen, but it doesn't work on the
PocketPC platform.
I really hate having to reinvent the wheel and am hoping that I've
just missed something really obvious -- a set of convenient objects in
the Compact Framework, maybe???

-- Tony