Date: Sunday June 4, 2006
After a serious problem with the internal harddisk, I have spent 9 days to
search for the cause and re-install the driver programs that were no longer
functioning. I discovered there are damaged sectors on the disk. Which was
probably the reason of the damaged driver software. The operating system we
use is Windows XP Home. With older computers I have re-installed everything
after problems in the software. The operating systems were Windows 95, 98 and
Me. This has taken a lot of time. After a virus I had to get the notebook of
my sister running again and save all the valuable data, which has taken me 6
weeks. So you can understand I am searching for a different way that saves
time. I have seen there is a program in Windows XP called Back-up. I do not
need this program for backing up our own data files, because I do this with
Windows Explorer. But I would like to create a back-up of the system files,
program files, settings, virus definitions and spyware definitions. In such a
way that I can restore everything in one day after a system crash or a virus.
Can someone explain to me in English or Dutch what I need to do to realize
this? I have seen there are 4 choices in Windows Back-up.
1. The directory "My documents", Internet Explorer favorites, desktop
settings and cookies.
2. The same, but of all users.
3. All data on the PC. This includes using a floppy disk for system restore.
4. Choose which files and folders to back-up manually.
The directory "My documents" in our case is very large. Partly because we
have saved thousands of digital photo's in it. So I would like to keep this
out of the system back-up. My own idea is to use choise 4, creating a back-up
of all files except those in "My documents". But I have never used Windows
Back-up and I am not sure what to do. We have bought an external USB2.0
harddisk recently to store the back-up, with a capacity of 80GB, which should
be more than enough. I understand that I will have to install Windows XP
after a serious problem when the operating system can not start up. After
doing that, can I restore everything, using the system back-up on the
external harddisk and copying our own data files from CD-RW and DVD-RW?
We live in The Netherlands and my English is not so good, but I hope you
understand what I am trying to ask.
After a serious problem with the internal harddisk, I have spent 9 days to
search for the cause and re-install the driver programs that were no longer
functioning. I discovered there are damaged sectors on the disk. Which was
probably the reason of the damaged driver software. The operating system we
use is Windows XP Home. With older computers I have re-installed everything
after problems in the software. The operating systems were Windows 95, 98 and
Me. This has taken a lot of time. After a virus I had to get the notebook of
my sister running again and save all the valuable data, which has taken me 6
weeks. So you can understand I am searching for a different way that saves
time. I have seen there is a program in Windows XP called Back-up. I do not
need this program for backing up our own data files, because I do this with
Windows Explorer. But I would like to create a back-up of the system files,
program files, settings, virus definitions and spyware definitions. In such a
way that I can restore everything in one day after a system crash or a virus.
Can someone explain to me in English or Dutch what I need to do to realize
this? I have seen there are 4 choices in Windows Back-up.
1. The directory "My documents", Internet Explorer favorites, desktop
settings and cookies.
2. The same, but of all users.
3. All data on the PC. This includes using a floppy disk for system restore.
4. Choose which files and folders to back-up manually.
The directory "My documents" in our case is very large. Partly because we
have saved thousands of digital photo's in it. So I would like to keep this
out of the system back-up. My own idea is to use choise 4, creating a back-up
of all files except those in "My documents". But I have never used Windows
Back-up and I am not sure what to do. We have bought an external USB2.0
harddisk recently to store the back-up, with a capacity of 80GB, which should
be more than enough. I understand that I will have to install Windows XP
after a serious problem when the operating system can not start up. After
doing that, can I restore everything, using the system back-up on the
external harddisk and copying our own data files from CD-RW and DVD-RW?
We live in The Netherlands and my English is not so good, but I hope you
understand what I am trying to ask.