how do i create a powerpoint presentation for clients that is cus.

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I am starting a company that develops 'presentations' for various companies.
I want these 'presentations' downloadable from a website and when installed
onto a clients computer... customizable by that novice client. Meaning that
'certain areas' need to be easily accessible and customizable for the client
to incorporate their company name or logo. I don't know how to go about
doing this, how can I make a powerpoint presentation customizable????
Creating a "template" presentation is fairly common for my production work.
My process is generally developing the presentation in PowerPoint with all
of the supplied content, adding all animations, slide transitions and custom
images. Where something is to be customized by the end user I insert bold
(okay, fairly gaudy and highly noticeable) placeholders that contain
directions on what is to go there (ie. Company logo here, Client
name/company here, add product photo here, etc.).

This process assumes (at least) two things:
1. The end user has some version of PowerPoint installed on their computer.
2. They know how to insert photos and type text.

There may be a way to incorporate some custom VBA coding where an external
app. acts like a questionaire and asks the end user a number of questions
(ie. What is client name/company? Browse to your company logo, etc.). Then
it would populate the presentation with this data and images. But this is
going to be a very serious undertaking (if it is even possible).

Anyone else have some further ideas?

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlc creative dot com
www dot tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.
If your user has PowerPoint then the whole presentation is customisable
unless the elements you need them to customise are embedded into the
background image.
Or is that what you mean? Do you want some parts to be customisable and
others to be locked?