How do I create a Graph using function/formula to get the values?



Situation: Student database, hundreds of names and other criteria.
Project: Create graphs/charts from data
Problem: can I/how do I use functions like COUNTIF to extrapolate the
values for the chart with out having to count them manually?
i.e. one colum has country of origin, in the worksheet I can
=COUNTIF(A2:A111,"Canadian") and get the total # of
id there a way to get the chart wizard to do this?
All help appreciated.

Jon Peltier

You need to set up formulas in the worksheet to produce a range that is
suitable input to a chart. Alternatively you could use a pivot table to
manipulate the data. Then make the chart from this data. The chart wizard is
good at making charts, but it is not designed to do the math for you.

- Jon


Thanks Jon, appreciate the info greatly.

Jon Peltier said:
You need to set up formulas in the worksheet to produce a range that is
suitable input to a chart. Alternatively you could use a pivot table to
manipulate the data. Then make the chart from this data. The chart wizard is
good at making charts, but it is not designed to do the math for you.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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