Hi Ofer,
That would be great you can even downlaod the full database from be my guest
SELECT Klanten.ContactID, Klanten.Voornaam, Klanten.Achternaam,
Klanten.Adres, Klanten.Huisnummer, Klanten.Suffix, Klanten.Plaats,
Klanten.Postcode, Klanten.Geboortedatum, Klanten.Email, Klanten.Tussenvoegel
FROM Klanten
WHERE (((Month([Geboortedatum]))=[Please enter a Month]) AND
((Month("Geboortedatum"))=[Please enter a Month]));
The tabel containing the data is the table named klanten
The query is namend verjaardag (sorry it’s Dutch) and the Birthdaynamefield
is Geboortedatum.
Thanks Ron
Ofer said:
Please post the sql you have, all of it.
I would like to try it, also what is the birthday date field type?
Is it string or Date?
I hope that helped
Good luck
Hi offe,
Thanks again But still the same error message. I am losing it.
Is changing the birthday field input mask i the tabel a option.
Thanks again
Loose the quote
Month([Birthdatefieldname])=[Please enter a Month]
Birthdatefieldname = the name of the field in the table that contain the
birthday date
I hope that helped
Good luck
Hi Ofer,
Thanks for th ehelp but I seems to do something wrong this is what I used
Month("Birthdatefieldname")=[Please enter a Month] and when I get prompted
to put in a month I get the following error
This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to be evaluated. etc
I have put in 10 for the month october and than this well shoot me.
Try this
Select * From TableName Where Month(BirthdayDateFieldName) = Month(Date())
Will display all the people that have birth day in the current month
Select * From TableName Where Month(BirthdayDateFieldName) = [Please enter a
This query will display the user to input a month number, and the query will
return that match
then you can base a report on this query
I hope that helped
Good luck
Hi I have an access database containing peoples address birthday etc... I
want to send them a birthday card on there birthday how can I get a report or
query which gives me a list of birthdays of that month.