how do I copy text from microsoft word to microsoft frontpage



I am helping my son's school system design a website using frontpage 2000.
(they do not have the budget for the newer version) I am having problems
copying and pasting text ( weekly agenda's, sight & spelling word lists,
etc...) The formating of the text is way off! On Microsoft Word, the text is
single spaced but after copying to frontpage it's all double spaced and other
formating differences. Can anyone help? I am trying my best to help, but
the teachers are getting fustrated.


Two quick ways.

1- Drag and drop instead of Copy & Paste. Open FP, drag file from Explorer into your new page.

2- Copy & Paste from Word into NOTEPAD, Copy & Paste from Notepad into your page. You lose formating this way though, but it's the clean.

3- You can also try Copy & Paste SPECIAL

That's three ways isn't it. #2 gives the cleanest code, but no formatting. #1 is good, but still may require some clean up. #3 sometimes works perfectly, sometimes needs cleanup.

Or....if your a good typist...just type it over in FP :)

There's a 4th way too but we wont go there now.


| I am helping my son's school system design a website using frontpage 2000.
| (they do not have the budget for the newer version) I am having problems
| copying and pasting text ( weekly agenda's, sight & spelling word lists,
| etc...) The formating of the text is way off! On Microsoft Word, the text is
| single spaced but after copying to frontpage it's all double spaced and other
| formating differences. Can anyone help? I am trying my best to help, but
| the teachers are getting fustrated.


Paragraphs in an HTML web page will always have what appears to be a blank
line between them and the next paragraph. In Word, paragraphs can be set to
not have the blank line. Hence the visual difference.

You can reduce the "blank line" effect by using CSS in the <Head> section of
the page

In HTML view:


more meta tags

<style type="text/css">
p{margin: 0;}


Note that this will affect every paragraph in the document.

Andrew Murray

That is the nature of Frontpage it does not have the formatting ability (or the
ability to full maintain Word's formatting exactly). Typing everything straight
into Frontpage is probably best.

You might also try saving the Word files as HTML and then import into the
Frontpage web - I don't know if this would keep the formatting intact any better.
Depends really on Word's ability to convert its *.doc files to html files. It is
not designed for creating web pages.

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