How do I copy information from one sheet into another?

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I have two identical sheets that I want the same information in. The only difference between the two is the page layout. Is there a function or macro that will copy the information exactly from the first sheet into the second sheet so that I only have to enter it once?
worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Pastespecial paste:=xlFormulas

Tom Ogilvy

Erik said:
I have two identical sheets that I want the same information in. The only
difference between the two is the page layout. Is there a function or macro
that will copy the information exactly from the first sheet into the second
sheet so that I only have to enter it once?
On Sheet2 enter =Sheet!A1 in cell B10
Now type something in A1 of Sheet1 and it appears in B10
But if A1 is empty, Sheet2 displays 0
Change formula to =IF(ISBLANK(Sheet1!A1),"",Sheet1!A1)

Bernard Liengme
remove CAPS in e-mail address

Erik said:
I have two identical sheets that I want the same information in. The only
difference between the two is the page layout. Is there a function or macro
that will copy the information exactly from the first sheet into the second
sheet so that I only have to enter it once?
I think Tom means


Will copy the sheet in a new workbook

That's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.

The sheets are "indentical" except the "page layout is different".

Sounds like you need to "link" the two.

In Sheet2 E10 enter =Sheet1!A1 to link the cells.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP
Yes, thanks.

Tom Ogilvy

Ron de Bruin said:
I think Tom means


Will copy the sheet in a new workbook