You are missing "", ie
filecopy "what","to"
for example.
filecopy "c:\test.xls","c:\test2.xls"
or use same method as VBA example and use variables, which makes it
easier to change if used repeatedly.
This was very helpful... here is what I have sofar... however I can only seem
to move one file at a time. how can I change this to move all files in the
Sub FileCopyExample()
Dim sSourcePath As String
Dim sTargetPath As String
' Change these paths to your Source and Target paths.
sSourcePath = "C:\PNTTEMPL\CustomDoc\CHARM.PCD"
sTargetPath = "C:\PNTTEMPL\CustomDoc\TEST\CHARM.PCD"
On Error Resume Next
' Copy the file "My Document" file from "Macintosh HDocuments"
' to "Macintosh HD:Backup".
FileCopy sSourcePath, sTargetPath