This little macro will copy the footers from the activesheet and paste it to
the other sheets in the workbook:
Sub FooterFixer()
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String
Dim sh As Worksheet
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
s1 = .LeftFooter
s2 = .CenterFooter
s3 = .RightFooter
End With
For Each sh In Worksheets
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftFooter = s1
.CenterFooter = s2
.RightFooter = s3
End With
End Sub
Macros are very easy to install and use:
1. ALT-F11 brings up the VBE window
2. ALT-I
ALT-M opens a fresh module
3. paste the stuff in and close the VBE window
If you save the workbook, the macro will be saved with it.
To remove the macro:
1. bring up the VBE window as above
2. clear the code out
3. close the VBE window
To use the macro from Excel:
1. ALT-F8
2. Select the macro
3. Touch RUN
To learn more about macros in general, see: