How do I convert from UPPER to lower case?


Robert Judge

I have been given an EXCEL file that includes names in
ALL CAPITOL letters. I want to import that file into
WORD for a mail merge. But I want the record to be John
Smith, not JOHN SMITH. I know that WORD has a case
conversion feature, but I don't think I will be able to
use it in on the names in the 200 merged letters I will
be creating.

Can I convert case from UPPER to lower in EXCEL? Then,
my imported file will already have the proper case. I
will appreciate advice.



I a column use this formula: =PROPER(A1)
and drag down. Then you can copy and replace
the old with these (use paste special, values)


David McRitchie

Hi Robert,
For a solution that allows you to make a selection and then run a macro
to have data changed in place without need for extra columns and
duplicated data, see... (also takes care of names with last name in
two parts i.e. de Bruin, van Ness subject to your programming)
Proper, and other Text changes -- Use of SpecialCells


There is a function =TRIM(text) that might give your textas you want it.
If in A1 it is JOHN SMITH, =TRIM(A1) will give you John Smith.
Good luck!


Sorry, Should be PROPER, not TRIM
Leif said:
There is a function =TRIM(text) that might give your textas you want it.
If in A1 it is JOHN SMITH, =TRIM(A1) will give you John Smith.
Good luck!

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