How do I convert Byte array to long or string?


Jim H

I am getting binary data form a database binary(8). I am copying it to a
byte array byte[8]. I need to covert this to a number, ulong, so I can
write it to a string in hex format.

Any idea on how I do this? I don't see any conversion methods.


Mattias Sjögren

I am getting binary data form a database binary(8). I am copying it to a
byte array byte[8]. I need to covert this to a number, ulong, so I can
write it to a string in hex format.



Jim H

Thanks! I didn't know about the BitConverter class.

Mattias Sjögren said:
I am getting binary data form a database binary(8). I am copying it to a
byte array byte[8]. I need to covert this to a number, ulong, so I can
write it to a string in hex format.



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