You are very unlikely to be able to use/convert anything except the
data from the old database.
Assuming that you have the old database software working, the best
approach is to dump the data to a common format (frequently CSV or
fixed-length text records is/are the only usable common formats under
these circumstances) and then import the data and recreate the
database forms, queries, etc. in Access.
If you don't have the old database software working, you will need to
find a way of importing the data from the old files, which are likely
to be in a proprietary format. This is likely to be a non-trivial task
- a Google seach on 'Daconti database' produces only two pages of
hits, none of them obviously relevant to this question.
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 18:01:02 -0700, "Pat J" <Pat
Looking to reprogram an older database to Access. is there a way to convert
Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher