A software manufacturer looked over some diagnostic files I submitted, and
said that the lethal installation errror was that I had chosen a user name
(upon WinXP reinstallation) that contained an ampersand & . Yes, I
had. So, I went to Control Panel/user accounts/change an account/pick an
account to change. I changed the ampersand & to the alpha And. But a
specific diagnostic supplied by the manufacturer shows that the "UserName"
contains the offending &, while the ComputerName is "LYNNANDKATHY". I do
forget just exactly what I did at reinstallation in terms of spelling,
capitalization, etc.
The Manufacturer diagnostic shows
UserName = Lynn&Kathy
For a reason unknown to me, a C++ routine "msihelper" screws up when
presented with a UserName containing an ampersand.
Via the Control Panel path, I intended to change the UserName to get rid of
the offending &. I failed.
How do I do so?
said that the lethal installation errror was that I had chosen a user name
(upon WinXP reinstallation) that contained an ampersand & . Yes, I
had. So, I went to Control Panel/user accounts/change an account/pick an
account to change. I changed the ampersand & to the alpha And. But a
specific diagnostic supplied by the manufacturer shows that the "UserName"
contains the offending &, while the ComputerName is "LYNNANDKATHY". I do
forget just exactly what I did at reinstallation in terms of spelling,
capitalization, etc.
The Manufacturer diagnostic shows
UserName = Lynn&Kathy
For a reason unknown to me, a C++ routine "msihelper" screws up when
presented with a UserName containing an ampersand.
Via the Control Panel path, I intended to change the UserName to get rid of
the offending &. I failed.
How do I do so?