How do I change the size of a worksheet?



I want to set the size of a worksheet to 20 rows and 10 columns. How do I do
this? Every time the sheet is opened, only these cells should be displayed.

I hope there is an option to set different sizes for different worksheets
within the same workbook.


Suleman Peerzade


The standard sized of excel is, columns from A to IV and there are 65536
rows by default.

You cannot alter them, you can probably set your worksheet to see as much as
you want.
Tools/Options/View/Uncheck gridline boxes the entire worksheet will hide the
gridlines and then you can select the number of rows and columns and in the
menubar highlight them with gridlines.

This will help you to see rows and columns that you have highlighted.

Excel 2003

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

You can hide the rows and columns you don't want. For each sheet
separately... select all the Columns you do not want to see, right-click and
select Hide, then do the same for the Rows you don't want to see. Once you
have done this for each sheet, save the Workbook.


Gord Dibben

As an alternative to Rick's suggestion about hiding what you don't want to see,
you can set the Scroll Area so's you cannot scroll out of the 10 columns and 20
rows range.

Since the scrollarea method does not stick between sessions you will have to
reset it each time.

You may wish to place the code into a WorkBook_Open Sub in ThisWorkbook module
and specify which worksheet if only one sheet required.

Private Sub WorkBook_Open()
Sheets("YourSheet").ScrollArea = "A1:J20"
End Sub

Or also in the Thisworkbook module to limit scrollarea on all sheets.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
With ActiveSheet
.ScrollArea = "A1:J20"
End With
End Sub

Right-click on the Excel Icon left of "File" on the menu bar and slect "View

Copy/paste your choice of subs from above into that module.

Save the workbook and Alt + q to return to the Excel window.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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