How do I change page number font?



How do I change the page number font?

When I paginate my document, the page numbers are set in Times. I want to
change this to the same font that I use in the document text. I'm trying my
hardest with the page number templates, but I'm not getting anywhere.

Thanks for any help,

Jay Freedman

H said:
How do I change the page number font?

When I paginate my document, the page numbers are set in Times. I
want to change this to the same font that I use in the document text.
I'm trying my hardest with the page number templates, but I'm not
getting anywhere.

Thanks for any help,

Hi Hakan,

The answer depends on how you're inserting your page numbers.

If you used the page number button in the Headers and Footers toolbar, the
numbers are in the header or footer paragraph, and they have the Page Number
character style and the Header paragraph style (or the Footer paragraph
style if they're in the footer). The character style is just "Default
Paragraph Font", which is equivalent to "no change". You can use Format >
Style to modify the Page Number style's font if you want it to be different
from the rest of the header/footer, or you can modify the Header or Footer
style and the page numbers will change along with the rest of the paragraph.

If you used the Insert > Page Number dialog, then the page numbers are
contained within frames in the header or footer. Other than that, they'll
behave the same way as ones from the toolbar.

Finally, if you simply inserted the Page field in the header or footer,
they'll have the Header or Footer paragraph style but not the Page Number
character style. In that case, modify the paragraph style.


I used the Insert > Page Number dialog. I also made a page number paragraph
style using the font I want. I've made sure that my new page number
paragraph style is active in this document (and the original, default page
number para. style has been removed). Still I get nothing but Times. More

Related question: is there any way to remove page numbers from a document?
(The document's been closed, so I can't use the Undo command).


Jay Freedman

Hi Hakan,

The article at explains a
bit more about the frame that results from using the Insert > Page Number
dialog (and why that's usually a bad idea). In particular, it explains how
to get rid of the frame and number.

The original Page Number style is a character style, not a paragraph style.
Even though you've applied a different underlying paragraph style to the
page number, the character style could still be there and overriding the
font selection. Try selecting the page number and pressing Ctrl+spacebar --
that should remove any character style and leave the formatting of the
paragraph style.

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