How do I change network name from workgroups to something else

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i need to know how i can change the vista ultimate workgroup name from
workgroup to something else. i think i have done it fine in the control
panel for network and sharing, but don't think it worked or something else
was wrong cus i still couldn't see anything unless the vista pc was off.

or how can i change the network name in xp home? it is mshome and i would
change it to workgroup on the xphome pc. or in vista i would change it to
mshome. but i prefer i think changing the vista to mshome.
Start - Control Panel - System - Computer name, domain and workgroup
settings - Change Settings - Computer Name - change
Dave said:
Start - Control Panel - System - Computer name, domain and workgroup
settings - Change Settings - Computer Name - change

Thanks Dave. I believe this works and is how I thought it was in xp. not
sure if it works though cus i have done this and from my xbox still couldn't
see anything as vista pc was on and also in the xp home it still said it was
mshome for some reason even tho i already did change it.
Robert L (MS-MVP) said:
I would check the firewall first. This troubleshooting may help,

Vista troubleshootingTroubleshooting Vista Remote Access Issues ... Info:
Step by step troubleshooting VISTA sharing ... Troubleshooting Vista
TCP/IP Configuration ...

Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN Troubleshooting on
How to Setup Windows, Network, VPN & Remote Access on

Thanks. looked and nothing fits my case nor does it help, :(