How do I change my voice greeting? I have changed my last name.

  • Thread starter Thread starter hannahlynn1
  • Start date Start date


I have changed my last name due to divorce. When I'm not here, my voice mail
greeting is saying the wrong name. Co-workers have asked me to change it. Can
you? Thank you.
I had a feeling unified messaging would lead to this.

Russ Valentine said:
How does this have anything to do with Outlook?
Russ Valentine
hannahlynn1 said:
I have changed my last name due to divorce. When I'm not here, my voice
greeting is saying the wrong name. Co-workers have asked me to change it.
you? Thank you.
It could but you are leaving out all the details to work with. To start
with; how is unified communications handled in your working environment?

Either way Outlook is just a client; it is not offering the services. Some
services could be exposed in Outlook via an addin but then you would still
need to contact support for the service and not Outlook.

To answer your question; no, we cannot change this for you as we are not in
your environment. Contact your corporate IT Support Desk instead.

Peter Durkee said:
I had a feeling unified messaging would lead to this.

Russ Valentine said:
How does this have anything to do with Outlook?
Russ Valentine
hannahlynn1 said:
I have changed my last name due to divorce. When I'm not here, my voice
greeting is saying the wrong name. Co-workers have asked me to change
it. Can
you? Thank you.