Thanks, Chris, but let me give a bit more info.
I got this application from a vendor who wrote it for another state agency
here in Texas, and are making the code available, but there is very little
documentation. I did, however, get the dbowner username and password used in
the mdw file. It was done in A97, and I'm on A2002. I'm trying to move all
the tables and forms/reports into a plain old A2002 mdb with no workgroup so
I can make some changes. First, I had to convert the mdw and mdb files
(front end in one mdb and back end in another) to A2002 before I could make
any changes to the security.
hr.mdb has tables, queries...modules, and there's a hrdev.mdw workgroup
file. I "joined" the workgroup (I never really liked this terminology) and
opened hr.mdb, and went to tools/security/user and group permissions. I
selected the user Admin, select object type tables, select all tables, and
add all permissions. I did the same thing for queries, forms, reports, and
macros, but there is no listing for modules. OK, according to your note
(appreciated), these are all stored differently than in A97. I opened the
"project" in the vb editor, and go to tools/properties/protection, and the
project is not locked for viewing, and no password that I can see.
I'm using the standard workgroup: C:\Documents and
Settings\woodland_bc\Application Data\Microsoft\Access\System.mdw
I open newhr.mdb, then click on file/get external data/import, and point to
hr.mdb. In the "Import Objects" dialog box, it lists tables,
queries...modules. I click modules tab, then select all, then import. This
is what I get:
You don't have permission to import, export, or link to 'basActsExport.'
To import, export, or link to this object, you must have Read Design and
Read Data permissions for it. For more information on permissions and who
can set them, click Help.
How the heck am I supposed to give Admin read rights to the modules in A2002?