how do I change DVD recording feature in WMM

  • Thread starter Thread starter RON
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Right now it "LOOKS" to SONIC DVD when I ask it to record to a DVD, how do I
change those settings?
Thanks for that tip, but what I meant was when im in the save movie wizard
and I click on "SAVE TO A DVD" it only comes up with SONIC DVD as an option,
If something is wrong with that program I want to be able to switch it and as
of now I cannot figure out how to pick something other than that.
John, thanks, yes I like your way as well, I was asking for future referance,
for instance If I like a particular program how do I use the "save to a DVD
feature" to make WMM look to it. Because as it stands now I cant get SONIC to
record a DVD and it appears I cannot get anything else to burn the movie to
save my life. Not even WIndows MEdia Player, unless we know how to burn from
there, do YOU?
thanks RON
Thanks John, Ill give that a try at this point Ill take anything. The problem
I am having is severely cramping my buzz.
Well , i made a special little video for my friends birthday. It would be
great if she could see it. I want to put it on some website. Which ofcourse
requires a WMM format. How can I change my video , that i made on Movie maker
into another format? a little help please :D
As it's for a web-site I'd suggest you follow John's workflow, but change
the best for my pc to a lower qualioty version of wmv, othewise you'll be
spending ages uploading it to the web.