My calendar keeps coming up as a LIST, not a calendar, and I can find no way
to change it. I did have a workaround, which was to click on the Archive
Calendar icon, which came up with the correct view. Then both the Archive and
Calendar were correct and both icons had check marks so I unchecked the
Archive and the basic calendar remained in the correct format. Now I can't
even do that. I've searched under "View" and "Format" to no avail. The
problem seems to have started when I used the "Search calendar" function,
which displayed results as a list of appointments. (My first attempt to post
resulted in a page not available error so if this is a duplicate, please
forgive me.)
to change it. I did have a workaround, which was to click on the Archive
Calendar icon, which came up with the correct view. Then both the Archive and
Calendar were correct and both icons had check marks so I unchecked the
Archive and the basic calendar remained in the correct format. Now I can't
even do that. I've searched under "View" and "Format" to no avail. The
problem seems to have started when I used the "Search calendar" function,
which displayed results as a list of appointments. (My first attempt to post
resulted in a page not available error so if this is a duplicate, please
forgive me.)