How Do I Change a Share-Name?

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I want to change the so-called share names that I use to share my two

I originally created 'machine 1' for entire c directory on one machine
and 'machine 2' likewise for the other. I did that by right clicking
on c: in Windows Explorer>Sharing & Security>Sharing>the window with
the share name in it. Even though 'Share This Folder on The Network'
is checked, I cannot change the names.

Both machines are WXP PRO and networking works fine.

Can someone help here?

Thank you
I want to change the so-called share names that I use to share my two

I originally created 'machine 1' for entire c directory on one machine
and 'machine 2' likewise for the other. I did that by right clicking
on c: in Windows Explorer>Sharing & Security>Sharing>the window with
the share name in it. Even though 'Share This Folder on The Network'
is checked, I cannot change the names.

Both machines are WXP PRO and networking works fine.

Can someone help here?

Thank you

Share names (once defined) cannot be changed.
You can either define a second (new) sharename or stop sharing the 'old'
name and share again with the new name.

