This is proberably v easy, however I can't figure it
I use a VBA macro to call up some infor and part of it is
Worksheets("Gate A").Rows("10:3000").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Worksheets("Question Database [Q]").Range("con_control").Copy
With Worksheets("Question Database [Q]")
"Gate A" & "Question Database" Are now held in a workbook calle
How do I amend the Macro to look at the sheet in the workbook rathe
than the workbook it is in now???
Thankyou in advance
This is proberably v easy, however I can't figure it
I use a VBA macro to call up some infor and part of it is
Worksheets("Gate A").Rows("10:3000").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Worksheets("Question Database [Q]").Range("con_control").Copy
With Worksheets("Question Database [Q]")
"Gate A" & "Question Database" Are now held in a workbook calle
How do I amend the Macro to look at the sheet in the workbook rathe
than the workbook it is in now???
Thankyou in advance