How do I block spam from my outlook express?

Jan 19, 2004
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I get loads of spam in here everyday - but when I go to 'Message' > 'Block sender' I still get the same spam the next day.

I get loads of spam in my yahoo email too, but none in my hotmail address (don't know why).

I have Norton Systemworks and Sygate Firewall.

Is there a setting that should be switched on somewhere to permanently block these useless emails I keep getting? :mad:
mojouk said:
Is there a setting that should be switched on somewhere to permanently block these useless emails I keep getting? :mad:
Don't open your email program ... no more spam. :)

Delete the email address you are using ... no more spam. :)

set-up another email address, but don't use it ... no more spam. :)

Spammers are getting more and more sophisticated and acquiring more and more 'robots' that it is getting to the point where one needs to go back to writing postcards or using the phone. :D

There is no foolproof method of stopping spam. :(

hi all i am using something called spamfighter for outlook express this software has many options on it plus the spam you suspect can be blacklisted. give it a go. this software is microsoft certified. i use it and i do not get half as much spam i usually get. spam goes into a folder named spamfighter and gives you the chance to either accept the mail or somebody blacklists it using options to blacklist the email address and/or the domain name if you trust it and it is something that you want to recieve mail from then whitelist it. all blocked mail is blocked for all spamfighter users if somebody hits blacklist it will even advise you how best to set it up. there are two versions free or paid for.:user:
Here is a FREE way ... download, install Thunderbird ... have your on-line email clients such as Google email, MSN, Hotmat and all the other junk attracting emailers to redirect your mail to an undisclosed email address from your ISP ... if you ISP does not offer any free POP3 emaill addresses, change ISP. ;)


I'm with BT, they give me up to 10 email POP3 addresses, I use two (at the moment) ;)

ALL my emails get re-directed to one account ... that then is the only account I need to "download" (view) using Thunderbird ... if any spam has got passed the spam filters from my ISP or Gmail, then I simply use the "Junk Mail Controls" to eliminate them.

You will NOT stop spam getting through no matter what you use.

I have an email address that I have never used, never been given out to anybody or anything ... it receives a lot of spam. The spam is deleted automatically every month.

99% of spam is received via 'robot' PCs that have been taken over by spammers ... the people that own those PC need putting against the wall and ...

If it makes you feel any better, use whatever method you like ... :D
