Did the manufacturer provide any means to restore the operating system? Not
all of them provide CDs. Some provide the files on the hard drive. Not very
useful if the hard drive takes a dive but that's one method that some
manufacturers are using.
May be able to get supplemental (or replacement CDs) if you call the OEM
tech support.
If you have XP Home and are concerned about not receiving NTBackup from the
OEM, you can give the OEM a call and see what they are willing to do to
help you with this or you'll need to purchase a backup program. "Backup My
PC" is one nice backup solution. There are many more programs like it that
are available.
As you specified "Backup" and not recovery you won't get any help having any XP disk or OEM Recovery disk. There is no program in XP that will backup an entire system to disks. For that you will need to purchase a backup program like Norton Ghost. These programs allow disk spanning where the NT Backup in XP pro does not. Disk spanning is needed to allow the contiguous copying of information from a single source to multiple media. In this case from a single HDD to multiple disks. If on the other hand you simply want to copy files that do not total more than around 620MB you can use the NT Backup. If you have six floppy disks then you can go to many sites including the windows XP PRO sites and make a six floppy disk boot set. This will allow you to boot into windows and the recovery console if you can't boot under normal conditions. Do a search for XP PRO Floppy Boot Set. Good luck
OK you'll need another hard drive or partition to start with. You'll need
another operating system on there. Boot into it then open your
drive/partition containing your XP O/S (make sure you can see the hidden
files, Tools > Folder options > View) then simply zip it up using WinZip or
Winrar into say 700MB lumps and burn to CD. You can ignore the pagefile.sys
windows will create a new one (saves a little space) when you copy back. This
works, I've done it!
rijen1999 said:
I bought my PC with XP already installed I got no disks with it for XP. I