Sean Timmons
OK, I have some code on a form to calculate a total based on updates within
the form. I do this by running 2 queries. When the 2nd query compeltes, if
there are updates, I get a message box "The data has been changed". Great
news, but now I have to click OK on this box, then close the underlying query
to get back to my form again. I'm going to have inexperienced Access users
entering this data. What kind of code can I use to automate selecitng OK for
this message box?
the form. I do this by running 2 queries. When the 2nd query compeltes, if
there are updates, I get a message box "The data has been changed". Great
news, but now I have to click OK on this box, then close the underlying query
to get back to my form again. I'm going to have inexperienced Access users
entering this data. What kind of code can I use to automate selecitng OK for
this message box?