How do I ask a question


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I have just registered but I am not sure how I go about asking a question.
I have one on sending email photos. Can someone enlighten me?

Grateful for any help
nivrip said:
can someone enlighten me?

You ask how to ask a question by asking a question :lol:

Just like that mate - welcome to the forums :)

Just start a new thread with the title being the topic, and type your stuff and add a ? at the end :)

I'll do my best to help

... made me smile too

nivrip said:
I have just registered but I am not sure how I go about asking a question.
I have one on sending email photos. Can someone enlighten me?

Grateful for any help
Exactly the same way you just did here. :thumb:

Although the question you just asked is "technically" in the wrong forum, we don't really mind, as we can move it for you anyway. I think if you carried on and asked your question you would not have been far out in which forum to post it in.

Did that make any sense ?? If not, don't worry, just post your question anyway.

OH, and welcome to PCReview ... :D
Email photos

I have been emailing photos for years with no problems. Now, no-one is able to open them when they arrive.I even emailed one to myself to check this.I have them as JPEGs and open them with Windows Fax and Picture Viewer. When emailed they arrive in a Notepad format and when opened are a series of numbers and letters, but no pictures. I tried changing the Open With facility but to no avail.Any ideas what has happened and how I sort this out. Any help will be appreciated.
Notepad cannot interpret a JPEG file, hence the reason for gobbledygook ... why that "association" has changed I do not know.

Microsoft did, some time ago, tighten up how an "attachment" in an email may be opened ... they simply closed the door on them.

Check under the Tools / Options menu, and click on the Security tab. There is a check box that reads Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus. Uncheck that box and try to re-open the message. You should be able to view the attachment.

If not, I'm stuck for a solution.

Thanks for the info. I tried it but no success. When I open the attachment with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer all I get is "no preview available"
Hmmm, OK, have a look for me ...

In Folder Options make sure all file extension for the JPEG format are set
to open in picture & fax viewer ... scroll down to JPE, JPEG, JPG and make sure their "association" is for P&FV ... also have a look at Notepads and see if its association is correct.

What anti-virus program are you using ?

You appear to be a genius!!!! Before I received your last message I tried Emailing a photo to myself again having used your first suggestion and hey presto the picture has arrived as a JPEG and opens immediately. I will now email to someone else to confirm.
A thousand thanks - it was driving me mad.

No, not a genius ... but thanks anyway. :D

Glad it's sorted ... :thumb:

Yes, genius was a bit OTT. Expert maybe a better term.

However, many thanks once again.