The following qry used to work in MS Access 1997. I've converted the DB to MS
Access 2000 and it falls over. Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong?
Dim dbsSrc As Database
Dim rstSrc As Recordset
Set dbsSrc = CurrentDb()
Set rstSrc = dbsSrc.OpenRecordset("DS_MS_Output", dbOpenTable)
With rstSrc
Do While Not .EOF
.Fields(13).Value = Format(.Fields(12) - .Fields(7), "#,##0;[Red](#,##0)")
End With
Access 2000 and it falls over. Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong?
Dim dbsSrc As Database
Dim rstSrc As Recordset
Set dbsSrc = CurrentDb()
Set rstSrc = dbsSrc.OpenRecordset("DS_MS_Output", dbOpenTable)
With rstSrc
Do While Not .EOF
.Fields(13).Value = Format(.Fields(12) - .Fields(7), "#,##0;[Red](#,##0)")
End With