How do I adjust the size of video clip I can receive via e-mail?



My son has been trying to send me a video clip and it is returned to him with
this message: your email service returned it because it said you don't have
enough available disk space available. You might have to go though and delete
or move some of your old emails to other folders.

I really don't have much in old e-mails. Is there some way I can get
Outlook to accept a large video clip. I haven't had this problem before.
Thanking you in advance for any suggestions you can offer.

Priscilla E. Federighe
(e-mail address removed)

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

It's got nothing to do with Outlook. Your mailbox on your ISP's mail server
isn't large enough to accept the clip. Either have your son compress it or
possibly use a GMail account as an intermediary. GMail allows for quite huge

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