How do i add multiple records to table from 1 form entry?

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I'm currently creating a database that assigns problems to people that could
solve them. I have a table called "employees" and one called "incident
catagories". Since one incident may be solved by multiple people and since
one person could solve multiple problems, the database is a many-to-many.
Employees table contains a a unique ID called Cont ID. The Incident
Catagories table contains a unique ID (for each incident) called IncCatID. To
link the two tables to make the many-to-many relationship another table was
made, where the data had to be inputted manually. This data assigned
incidents to people and contained both the IncCatID and ContID.

To make the database more versatile, a form was made that can add/edit
employees in the employees table. The problem now is that a form or sub form
is required to add or edit a new or current employees responsibility i.e.
match the employee to the incident.

I seriously require help in this matter urgently... I have tried almost
everything i can think of.

We aren't there, so we don't know what all you've already tried. If you
don't give the newsgroup readers a little more information, we may suggest
the very things you've already tried!

If you want to assign one/more employees to a specific incident, then
consider using a main form/subform design. The main form would hold the
incident-related information, and the subform would hold the
employee-assignment information. You'd use your third (the
junction/relation/many-to-many resolver) table as the source for the
subform. You'd use a combo box for each form/record in the subform, and
bind the combo box to the employee ID.

Or maybe you've already tried that. If so, what happened, and why do you
consider this design unworkable?
It sounds as if you actually need three tables.
1 for the Incidents
1 for the Employees
1 that designates which employees worked the incident

tblIncident - tblAssignees
one to many

tblAssignees - tblEmployees
many to one

tblAssignees will basically be a table that grabs the ID of the incident
and the ID of the Employee and ties it all together.

sorry for the late reply.. Was on site. Anywya tried a lot of things
including what has been suggested.. I think the best method for me now is to
try and add multiple new records, assigning default values for each of the
incidents in the incidents table. I now need to know how i can automatically
add new records.

What i need access to do:

if i add in an employee in the form it must automatically add multiple
records in my linking table...

Anyw help in this will be greatly appreciated. \

Kind regards and wishing you all a merry x-mass
