HOw Do I Add Groups To Windows Contacts


Cat Purring

In the past I could add groups to my e-mail lists but I can't seem to find
the way to anymore. When I look at the directions that I am given this is
what happens:

"On the toolbar, click New Contact Group, type a name in the Group Name box,
and then fill in the boxes on the Contact Group tab and Contact Group Details
tab. You don't have to fill in all the boxes; just type as much information
as you want about the new contact group you are creating."

I open Windows Contacts and the following is there:

File, Edit, View, Tools, Help

Under that is:

Organize, Views, Burn,

There is no "New Contact Group", as mentioned in Help

-So I am at a loss as to where to go next? - HELP!!!!!

Cat Purring


Thank you very much!!

Brink said:
Hello Car Purring,

This should be able to help you sort this out:


Hope this helps,


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