Hi everyone, ('scuse my English please I'm still learning) I'm not to
good at Excel and I'm working on our mock assignment at the moment
what I wanted to know is that how can I search from all the informatio
that I have stored. I've made a form and I'm going to add macro wic
will make it store the information on a let's say sheet3 which i
hidden, I also want to add a sheet called Search which will allow me t
search for what I type in the field for example by name, or parce
number.. etc.. Or do I have to use Lookup formula for that? I'm lost!
don't know if I was able to explain it well or not but I really do nee
help. Thanks in advance :
good at Excel and I'm working on our mock assignment at the moment
what I wanted to know is that how can I search from all the informatio
that I have stored. I've made a form and I'm going to add macro wic
will make it store the information on a let's say sheet3 which i
hidden, I also want to add a sheet called Search which will allow me t
search for what I type in the field for example by name, or parce
number.. etc.. Or do I have to use Lookup formula for that? I'm lost!
don't know if I was able to explain it well or not but I really do nee
help. Thanks in advance :