"Auto logon as Administrator" feature in Windows 2000 Pro is not safe, and I have just now learned of this. I know that for installing programs, etc., I will still need to logon as Administrator, but I need to add a personal logon for the rest of the time. I asked Microsoft how to do that, through email form, but they confirmed that the auto logon is not safe, and referred me to a Developer Support phone number. Their website shows $245 for support on that line--NO WAY!
I have tried to learn how, through forum and website research, but am pretty confused at this time, because of all computers being in different situations than mine.
Can anyone tell me EXACTLY how to go about adding a personal logon to Windows 2000 Pro? I do not get a logon window, of course, only a quick 'flash', before the boot continues.
I have tried to learn how, through forum and website research, but am pretty confused at this time, because of all computers being in different situations than mine.
Can anyone tell me EXACTLY how to go about adding a personal logon to Windows 2000 Pro? I do not get a logon window, of course, only a quick 'flash', before the boot continues.