How do I add a new record from unbound controls to an existing tab

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I have a form with unbound controls and an add button. I want to add a record
to an existing table when the add button is hit. How do i get the text from
the unbound controls and how do i put it into my table? access 2003
You need code to run an "INSERT INTO ... " SQL String to add the Record into
the Table. If you use DAO, you can use the statement:

CurrentDB.Execute strSQL, adFailOnError

to run the SQL String.

You can costruct the SQL String using the values from the unbound Controls.
that is way over my head....simple vb code????

Van T. Dinh said:
You need code to run an "INSERT INTO ... " SQL String to add the Record into
the Table. If you use DAO, you can use the statement:

CurrentDB.Execute strSQL, adFailOnError

to run the SQL String.

You can costruct the SQL String using the values from the unbound Controls.
You got no choice except using VBA code if you want to use unbound Form.

Check Access Help for the sample code in the topic "INSERT INTO Statement".