Dan said:
Sounds simple enough - problem is there seems to be WAY too much
documentation and can't seem to find the right one.
I thought twice about replying. But I saw that you said you were desperate.
So, I'm gonna do it but be warned that this drips with personal opinion.
I have to tell you upfront that I am not a big fan of COM. It is not that I
don't appreciate what it does. It came into being, in my view, so that
components could be used by "developers" whose preferred language is not
_the_ one true language. <gd&r> My attitude to those folks is a lot like
Marie Antoinette's was to her subjects - let them use C++.
(Just by the way, .Net addresses COM's issues in a sensible way as all .Net
languages share the same object model so _ultimately_ we won't need a
different and strange component object model).
And just to make it interesting, there are is "raw" COM where everyone and
his brother has to consider what effect his usage of a component has on its
reference count and then the COM often used by C++ developers.
The link below describes the #import compiler directive which causes the C++
compiler to read a COM object's type library and then to create wrapper
classes so you can think in C++ terms rather than in COM terms. Using the
wrappers, for example, insures that when one of these objects is destroyed
its reference count is automatically decremented.
Not to be outdone, .Net provides Runtime Callable Wrappers (RCW) for the
same purpose - i.e. so that code in member functions of .Net classes can
make use of the services provided by COM objects. About a year or so ago,
Helen Warn, posted in the TAPI group that there was "some" problem with the
RCW's for TAPI3. I don't remember the issue but I do know that she created
her own wrappers for TAPI (v2?) and was encouraged to post them here:
Finally, the view of lots of types (at least in my experience) who do much
TAPI is that the version 2 procedural API is a better choice than the COM
based stuff of 3.0.
I don't want this to sound negative - C++ rocks, TAPI2 rocks, NET rocks. COM
and TAPI3 well that's something else in my view.
However, if you are looking for a .Net-targeting Managed C++ sample that
uses TAPI3, and if you are willing to use the compiler's COM support then
take a look at the hack below.
It makes a call on a line - here the one with the name "56Kbps Internal
Modem" to the MoviePhone service - here (212) 777-3456.
Note that a proper TAPI application would look for a line which is capable
of carrying a call of the type in question - TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO - and use
it instead of a hard-coded line. You'll need to use the name of whatever
device you have handy.
// Don't forget to link against UUID.LIB
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include <windows.h>
#import <tapi3.dll>
using namespace TAPI3Lib;
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
extern "C" const CLSID CLSID_TAPI;
void MakeTapiCall(_bstr_t &, _bstr_t &);
int main()
// Look ma, it really is .Net ...
Console::WriteLine(S"Hello World");
// ... but I can have COM too
// ... and use COM to call on TAPI 3
MakeTapiCall( _bstr_t("56Kbps Internal Modem"),
_bstr_t("2127773456") );
return 0;
// Searches for a line and makes a call to the requested number on it
void MakeTapiCall(_bstr_t &bstrLine, _bstr_t &bstrNumber)
_bstr_t name;
ITTAPIPtr pTapi;
ITAddressPtr pAddress;
IEnumAddressPtr pEnumAddress;
ITBasicCallControlPtr pCall;
// Initialize TAPI
hr = pTapi.CreateInstance(CLSID_TAPI);
hr = pTapi->Initialize();
// Look for the requested line
pEnumAddress = pTapi->EnumerateAddresses();
while ( pEnumAddress->Next(1, &pAddress, &ul) == S_OK )
name = pAddress->AddressName;
if ( name == bstrLine )
pAddress = 0;
// If the line was found, then make a call
if ( pAddress )
pCall = pAddress->CreateCall(bstrNumber,
// Make the call
hr = pCall->Connect(true);
// Wait a while - do something sensible here
// while the call is ongoing
// Hangup
hr = pCall->Disconnect(DC_NORMAL);
// Shutdown TAPI
hr = pTapi->Shutdown();