I wrote a very simple windows form application. In my form I put a button.
Then I wire a function to the Paint event of the form. In that function, I do
nothing. I start the application from VS.Net and set a breakpoint in the
function. Everytime I hide the form and then unhide the form, the breakpoint
in my function(when the Paint event is fired) is hit. But my question is
how/when the form and button are able to paint themself though I do nothing
in the Paint event. What's the magic here?
Then I wire a function to the Paint event of the form. In that function, I do
nothing. I start the application from VS.Net and set a breakpoint in the
function. Everytime I hide the form and then unhide the form, the breakpoint
in my function(when the Paint event is fired) is hit. But my question is
how/when the form and button are able to paint themself though I do nothing
in the Paint event. What's the magic here?