To display this in Access, it may be better to create a table containing the
history of updates. Use a Memo field in the table to store the document
(assuming 64K is enough). It is then very easy to show the latest release
info, and previous records as well if desired. Of course, this also opens
the possibility of creating a relational history, where each item that was
changed has a record of its own (potentially within a category), and
displayed in a subform.
If that is not practical for you, other possibilities include hyperlinking
the text file (using FollowHyperlink), or using Open to read the file
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Ryan said:
I need to display the contents of a textfile in a form text box. The only
formatting will be carriage returns.