How did I include a logo in the return address?



This question might seem odd. I created a way to do this in 2001, but I
forgot how. That process for including the logo is more flexible than
anything I see on similar threads. I created a .dot file (somehow). To add
the logo when desired, I go to Tools / Templates and Add-ins and under Global
Templates and Add-ins I put a check mark in front of that .dot file that
appears there. I can change the return address and envelop size and the logo
lines up fine. When I don't want it anymore, I simply uncheck it. Now I want
to update the logo, but when I try to open it to view and change it (File /
Open / {name}.dot), nothing appears. Any insight, please?


Thanks, Graham, for the response. Before making my initial posting I did
review your paper, and the process there to create a return address with logo
was too involved: defining paragraph style, entering the return address,
storing it in the template for the matching letterhead, etc. The "more
versatile approach" is also too involved. Let me restate my objective in
different terms. I want to create all my letters using Normal. If I use a
letterhead, I will load a document that includes only the letterhead,
otherwise the letter will be New. When it comes time to print an envelop, I
will go to Tools / Templates and Add-Ins and check mark graphic 1
(EnvelopeExtra1), graphic 2 (EnvelopeExtra2), or neither. That will place the
graphic (if one is chosen) in front of the default return address on the
envelop. I created graphic 1 several years ago. I would like to add a graphic
2 (EnvelopeExtra2) now, but I have forgotten how I created EnvelopeExtra1; I
assume I can use the same method to create EnvelopeExtra2.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm confused. Graham has told you how to create the EnvelopeExtra AutoText
entries. What part of that is "too involved" for you?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Graham Mayor

You could use the method you suggest, but it would be even more complicated
to setup, and I doubt that it would be simpler to use; however what you do
is add an envelope to a blank document. In this respect you can follow the
first part of my web page which is the simplest way to ensure the autotext
entries are correctly placed.

Put your logos etc on the envelope where you want them. Save the relative
parts as autotext entries with the names EnvelopeExtra1 and EnvelopeExtra2
as shown in the linked page.

Then save the document with the added envelope as a template called (say)
Extra and again as Extra ideally in a folder that is a sub
folder of the Word startup folder - create one if necessary.

Then use the organizer to copy the autotexts you have created one into Extra
1. dot, the other into Extra and delete them from

From Word > Tools > templates and add-ins add both templates.

These templates will normally be available but inactive. You can add either
or both autotexts to your envelopes automatically by checking the template
in this dialog- which I believe was your requirement.

Whichever method you adopt, you will still have to setup the autotext
entries and the method you propose has even more steps and more complexity
in use.

If I had this requirement I would simply setup envelope templates with the
graphics/return addresses as required. There are samples on my web site you
can download and modify to your needs.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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