Hi Shyam !
Thanks to the clue you gave me for finding out the
interactive animations in powerpoint 2002 slide.
but i still haven't quite figured it out.
as suggested by you i used the timeline object
in the following manner (sub addAnim() given below) to add
a new interactive sequence to the slide. but strangely i
cannot get a count of the existing interactive sequences
which are 3 in number and part of a text frame and not
shapes or any other object . the total sequences are 6.
when i say
i get 6 which is correct
but for
it gives 1 after i run the following procedure when it
should give 4
sub addAnim()
Dim shp1 As Shape
Dim shp2 As Shape
Dim interEffect As Effect
Set shp1 = ActivePresentation.Slides
(1).Shapes.AddShape _
(Type:=msoShape32pointStar, Left:=100, _
Top:=100, Width:=200, Height:=200)
Set shp2 = ActivePresentation.Slides
(1).Shapes.AddShape _
(Type:=msoShapeBevel, Left:=400, _
Top:=200, Width:=150, Height:=100)
With ActivePresentation.Slides
Set interEffect = .AddEffect(shp2,
msoAnimEffectBlinds, _
interEffect.Shape = shp1
End With
' the problem line
MsgBox ActivePresentation.Slides
end sub