How Dangerous??

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Just by reading the post about how dangerous a monitor maybe I was just
wondering is there any dangers in playing around and dissasembling a
motheboard and other components. Also will playing with the IDE Cables and
all the other power cables and dissembling the power supply have potential
to harm me.

I don't use any protection like those little tongs thingies. Just use my
hands like i see everyone else.

Damn it was a real shock reading the post about how monitors could have
deadly voltages even if they're unplugged.

So pls. help me out here; and my post above as well;

Sorry new to hardware

Just by reading the post about how dangerous a monitor maybe I was just
wondering is there any dangers in playing around and dissasembling a
motheboard and other components. Also will playing with the IDE Cables and
all the other power cables and dissembling the power supply have potential
to harm me.

motherboard - no, you won't get any harmful voltages from it
devices (hdd, cd-rom,etc) and ide cables, again no harm

power cable - not dangerous unless you're stupid enough to expose the wires

power supply - this can be dangerous if dissasembled.. I wouldn't say deadly
voltages (well not from a quick zap anyway), but enough to throw you back a
few feet ! (belive me, if you touch the wrong thing, it hurts !!)

Just use your common sense and you should be fine..


Just by reading the post about how dangerous a monitor maybe I was just
wondering is there any dangers in playing around and dissasembling a
motheboard and other components. Also will playing with the IDE Cables and
all the other power cables and dissembling the power supply have potential
to harm me.

I don't use any protection like those little tongs thingies. Just use my
hands like i see everyone else.

Damn it was a real shock reading the post about how monitors could have
deadly voltages even if they're unplugged.

So pls. help me out here; and my post above as well;

Watch out for those IDE cables, a fellow was almost
strangled with one right in front of me. Well, I was the
one actually holding the cable but that's another story.

The power supply should be unplugged from AC for at least a
few minutes before opening it, but otherwise the hazzards
aren't of high-voltage shock, more mundane things like
having a spring from an optical or floppy fly up and blind
you, or having pin-headers puncture your foot because you
weren't wearing thick enough shoes while jumping up and down
on the !@$#%$@#@$!#@!#$$# motherboard.
Skeleton said:
power supply - this can be dangerous if dissasembled.. I wouldn't say deadly
voltages (well not from a quick zap anyway), but enough to throw you back a
few feet ! (belive me, if you touch the wrong thing, it hurts !!)

The above aslo goes for monitors or displays. The most dagerous thing in
the monitor is the internal powersupply. In europe and other
220V-country's it is transformed to about 310 volts. The fly back
transformer, or FBT, in a monitor transforms 80 volts to about 27000
volts. All of the above are dangerous for persons with a weak hart

And like Skeleton Man said, it knocks you of your feet and hurts like
hell, but will give you a "buzz" afterwards.
Just use your common sense and you should be fine..

Amen to that

Another Chris

Just by reading the post about how dangerous a monitor maybe I was
just wondering is there any dangers in playing around and
dissasembling a motheboard and other components. Also will playing
with the IDE Cables and all the other power cables and dissembling the
power supply have potential to harm me.

I don't use any protection like those little tongs thingies. Just use
my hands like i see everyone else.

Damn it was a real shock reading the post about how monitors could
have deadly voltages even if they're unplugged.

So pls. help me out here; and my post above as well;

Sorry new to hardware


The 110 in the PSU is just as dangerous/deadly as any other voltage
anywhere else in your PC.

Just by reading the post about how dangerous a monitor maybe I was just
wondering is there any dangers in playing around and dissasembling a
motheboard and other components. Also will playing with the IDE Cables and
all the other power cables and dissembling the power supply have potential
to harm me.

I don't use any protection like those little tongs thingies. Just use my
hands like i see everyone else.

Damn it was a real shock reading the post about how monitors could have
deadly voltages even if they're unplugged.

So pls. help me out here; and my post above as well;

Sorry new to hardware


The motherboard and IDE cables are mostly harmless. There are
circumstances where you could hurt yourself but not seriously if you
did stupid things with some of the electrolytic caps on the
motherboard, but you're not really playing with any deadly currents
there. Same with most of the commercial components.

The only real exception is the power supply (or in some cases, power
supplies). As it's connected directly to AC, at least part of the
power supply's circuitry could expose you to some pretty nasty
voltages and currents. Further, many power supplies also contain some
pretty huge capacitors used in conditioning the power going through it
so you don't fry your computer. These can hold a fair amount of juice
for hours. I've heard estimates of 1 hour to 24hours for the charge
to dissipate. That's with it unplugged, since modern supplies are
rarely ever really off when they're plugged in. Not as much of a jolt
as with a monitor, but it's not insignificant.