how could this happen???

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I have been using the same DVD to burn my pictures to for the last 12 months.
Periodically updating one memory card full at a time. The last time I
added, allof the old pictures dissappeared, saving only the newest set. The
only thing I could think of is that the disk was approaching full and
overwrote the old with the new. Does this make sense that the burner would
"get rid" stuff to add new?
Most likely, the DVD was closed and a new TOC was written
when you wrote to it again. What software are you using?
Ask that company for advice on reading a complete DVD and
recovering files.

DVD media is getting to be cheap, better use more than one
DVD disk and make multiple copies.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

|I have been using the same DVD to burn my pictures to for
the last 12 months.
| Periodically updating one memory card full at a time. The
last time I
| added, allof the old pictures dissappeared, saving only
the newest set. The
| only thing I could think of is that the disk was
approaching full and
| overwrote the old with the new. Does this make sense that
the burner would
| "get rid" stuff to add new?
| Thanks.
I am using Kodak Easyshare. Kodak says their program does not support DVD
format, only CD. I told them I had been using the DVD for a year, but I
don't think they believe me. Also, I can take movies on the camera that are These will not transfer to a CD that is why I use DVD ( and for
space.) I asked them why they have a product ( movie capability) that their
own software will not support. No answer.
Please explain 'TOC'
You are a beta tester. You might want to look into the
newer software that is now available. You should be able to
find file conversions from .mov to .avi or other supported
file types.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

|I am using Kodak Easyshare. Kodak says their program does
not support DVD
| format, only CD. I told them I had been using the DVD for
a year, but I
| don't think they believe me. Also, I can take movies on
the camera that are
| .mov. These will not transfer to a CD that is why I use
DVD ( and for
| space.) I asked them why they have a product ( movie
capability) that their
| own software will not support. No answer.
| Please explain 'TOC'
| Thanks.
| "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > Most likely, the DVD was closed and a new TOC was
| > when you wrote to it again. What software are you
| > Ask that company for advice on reading a complete DVD
| > recovering files.
| >
| > DVD media is getting to be cheap, better use more than
| > DVD disk and make multiple copies.
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| >
| > |I have been using the same DVD to burn my pictures to
| > the last 12 months.
| > | Periodically updating one memory card full at a time.
| > last time I
| > | added, allof the old pictures dissappeared, saving
| > the newest set. The
| > | only thing I could think of is that the disk was
| > approaching full and
| > | overwrote the old with the new. Does this make sense
| > the burner would
| > | "get rid" stuff to add new?
| > | Thanks.
| >
| >
| >
Not sure what you mean now by 2 things: beta tester and TOC. I am just using
the most current version of KODAK's Easyshare 4.30.
beta tester, one who tests software to find out what it
does, experimental pre-release software is called beta. The
there is Rc which means a "release candidate"..
TOC is Table of Contents, when you write a CD or hard drive,
a table is created that is used to find the file on the
media. If a CD is finalized (closed) the TOC is marked as
such. If there is space on the CD and you open it again, a
new TOC is created, effectively hiding the previous files,.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support

| Not sure what you mean now by 2 things: beta tester and
TOC. I am just using
| the most current version of KODAK's Easyshare 4.30.
| "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > You are a beta tester. You might want to look into the
| > newer software that is now available. You should be
able to
| > find file conversions from .mov to .avi or other
| > file types.
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > |I am using Kodak Easyshare. Kodak says their program
| > not support DVD
| > | format, only CD. I told them I had been using the DVD
| > a year, but I
| > | don't think they believe me. Also, I can take movies
| > the camera that are
| > | .mov. These will not transfer to a CD that is why I
| > DVD ( and for
| > | space.) I asked them why they have a product ( movie
| > capability) that their
| > | own software will not support. No answer.
| > | Please explain 'TOC'
| > | Thanks.
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Most likely, the DVD was closed and a new TOC was
| > written
| > | > when you wrote to it again. What software are you
| > using?
| > | > Ask that company for advice on reading a complete
| > and
| > | > recovering files.
| > | >
| > | > DVD media is getting to be cheap, better use more
| > one
| > | > DVD disk and make multiple copies.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| > | > |I have been using the same DVD to burn my pictures
| > for
| > | > the last 12 months.
| > | > | Periodically updating one memory card full at a
| > The
| > | > last time I
| > | > | added, allof the old pictures dissappeared, saving
| > only
| > | > the newest set. The
| > | > | only thing I could think of is that the disk was
| > | > approaching full and
| > | > | overwrote the old with the new. Does this make
| > that
| > | > the burner would
| > | > | "get rid" stuff to add new?
| > | > | Thanks.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >
Sounds good. Maybe that is what happened on the CD. As far as the Beta
testing, I don't think so. 4.3 is an upgrade from 3.7 & 4.0.
Please explain 'TOC'

"Table of Contents"

I think what Richard is implying (I could be wrong) is, it's possible for
files to exist on a CD but they can't be seen because they are not included
in the current TOC.

What happened to the old TOC and/or the old files? Anybody's guess without
knowing all the details and even then the answer may not be apparent. Many
factors including software errors or user blunders (we all do them now and
then) could have caused this.

Harry Ohrn has some good recommendations for data recovery tools to be used
on recordable disks. Most I've seen him recommend are for CDs rather than
DVDs but maybe you'll still find something on his site that will work:

I haven't tried any of these but have been very happy with other software
recommendations from Harry in the past.
I didn't like the Kodak software. I uninstalled Easyshare and just copy the
individual files from the camera to a folder on my hard drive. When I get
enough photos, I just burn them to CD and close the CD. It seems to work
best. In the past, I had the same problem continously adding photos to CD.
But you're using it for an unsupported function, i.e.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support

| Sounds good. Maybe that is what happened on the CD. As
far as the Beta
| testing, I don't think so. 4.3 is an upgrade from 3.7 &
| Thanks.
| "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > beta tester, one who tests software to find out what it
| > does, experimental pre-release software is called beta.
| > there is Rc which means a "release candidate"..
| > TOC is Table of Contents, when you write a CD or hard
| > a table is created that is used to find the file on the
| > media. If a CD is finalized (closed) the TOC is marked
| > such. If there is space on the CD and you open it
again, a
| > new TOC is created, effectively hiding the previous
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| > some support
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | Not sure what you mean now by 2 things: beta tester
| > TOC. I am just using
| > | the most current version of KODAK's Easyshare 4.30.
| > |
| > | "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > |
| > | > You are a beta tester. You might want to look into
| > | > newer software that is now available. You should be
| > able to
| > | > find file conversions from .mov to .avi or other
| > supported
| > | > file types.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| > | > |I am using Kodak Easyshare. Kodak says their
| > does
| > | > not support DVD
| > | > | format, only CD. I told them I had been using the
| > for
| > | > a year, but I
| > | > | don't think they believe me. Also, I can take
| > on
| > | > the camera that are
| > | > | .mov. These will not transfer to a CD that is why
| > use
| > | > DVD ( and for
| > | > | space.) I asked them why they have a product (
| > | > capability) that their
| > | > | own software will not support. No answer.
| > | > | Please explain 'TOC'
| > | > | Thanks.
| > | > |
| > | > | "Jim Macklin" wrote:
| > | > |
| > | > | > Most likely, the DVD was closed and a new TOC
| > | > written
| > | > | > when you wrote to it again. What software are
| > | > using?
| > | > | > Ask that company for advice on reading a
| > DVD
| > | > and
| > | > | > recovering files.
| > | > | >
| > | > | > DVD media is getting to be cheap, better use
| > than
| > | > one
| > | > | > DVD disk and make multiple copies.
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > The people think the Constitution protects their
| > rights;
| > | > | > But government sees it as an obstacle to be
| > overcome.
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > message
| > | > | >
| > | >
| >
| > | > | > |I have been using the same DVD to burn my
| > to
| > | > for
| > | > | > the last 12 months.
| > | > | > | Periodically updating one memory card full at
| > time.
| > | > The
| > | > | > last time I
| > | > | > | added, allof the old pictures dissappeared,
| > | > only
| > | > | > the newest set. The
| > | > | > | only thing I could think of is that the disk
| > | > | > approaching full and
| > | > | > | overwrote the old with the new. Does this
| > sense
| > | > that
| > | > | > the burner would
| > | > | > | "get rid" stuff to add new?
| > | > | > | Thanks.
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >
I too use Kodak Easyshare but not with much success. In all my efforts I have
never been able to burn to a DVD via Easyshare. Not sure how you got it to

As for burning to CD I found that Easyshare took a long time to do it.

Now I just use Nero and burn the photos as a File Disc which is very quite
quick. I back up Photos (roughly 1500 at the moment) and Songs and Photostory
shows in less than five minutes.

This probably doesn't help you at all but just my experience with Easyshare
for what its worth.