Hi Anita,
I'm not sure if you have opened a can
of worms (with all daylight savings silliness),
but try this:
Start a new module.
(all you should see is Option Compare Database)
Copy the following into new module:
'*** start code ***
Option Explicit
'following code adapted from
' forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=55810
Private Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" _
(lpTimeZoneInformation As TimeZoneInfo) As Long
Private Type SystemTime
intYear As Integer
intMonth As Integer
intwDayOfWeek As Integer
intDay As Integer
intHour As Integer
intMinute As Integer
intSecond As Integer
intMilliseconds As Integer
End Type
Private Type TimeZoneInfo
lngBias As Long
intStandardName(32) As Integer
intStandardDate As SystemTime
intStandardBias As Long
intDaylightName(32) As Integer
intDaylightDate As SystemTime
intDaylightBias As Long
End Type
Public Function fGetUTCLocalBiasMinutes() As Long
On Error GoTo Err_fGetUTCLocalBiasMinutes
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim udtTZI As TimeZoneInfo
'UTC = local time + bias
'The bias is the difference, in minutes,
'between UTC time and local time.
'==> local time = UTC - bias minutes
lngRet = GetTimeZoneInformation(udtTZI)
fGetUTCLocalBiasMinutes = udtTZI.lngBias
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fGetUTCLocalBiasMinutes
End Function
Public Function fGetUTCLocalBiasHours() As Long
On Error GoTo Err_fGetUTCLocalBiasHours
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim udtTZI As TimeZoneInfo
'UTC = local time + bias
'The bias is the difference, in minutes,
'between UTC time and local time.
'==> local time = UTC - (bias / 60) hours
lngRet = GetTimeZoneInformation(udtTZI)
fGetUTCLocalBiasHours = udtTZI.lngBias / 60
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fGetUTCLocalBiasHours
End Function
Public Function fConvertUTCtoLocalTime(pUTC As Date) As Date
On Error GoTo Err_fConvertUTCtoLocalTime
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim udtTZI As TimeZoneInfo
Dim lngBiasMinutes As Long
'UTC = local time + bias
'The bias is the difference, in minutes,
'between UTC time and local time.
'==> local time = UTC - bias
'==> local time = DateAdd("n",-bias, UTC)
lngRet = GetTimeZoneInformation(udtTZI)
lngBiasMinutes = udtTZI.lngBias
fConvertUTCtoLocalTime = DateAdd("n", -lngBiasMinutes, pUTC)
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fConvertUTCtoLocalTime
End Function
'*** end code ***
Save your module (say as "modUTC")
Double-check that "word-wrap" has not
orphaned some lines that should be all on
one line.
Click on Debug/Compile in top menu
to verify everything okay.
In a query, try this for one field row in the grid:
(replace "[UTC]" with actual field name)
LocTime: DateAdd("h",-fGetUTCLocalBiasHours(), [UTC])
I think (I could be wrong) that since function
returns a scalar that it will be run only once
when you run the query
versus if you tried
LocTime: fConvertUTCtoLocalTime([UTC])
which I know would be run for every record!
in a query that *for sure* will run function only once,
add field row to grid that provides this bias
Bias: - fGetUTCLocalBiasHours()
then, in another field row of query grid, do your conversion
(again replacing "[UTC]" with actual field name)
LocTime: DateAdd("h", [Bias], [UTC])
As mentioned earlier, I don't know how daylight
savings time silliness will effect your results in
every situation.
good luck,
Anita Tadhani said:
Shall I need to write module to get it work.
Well I have no experience with Access.