Really, I can't see the error message because the message is something
like (
I translate roughly from Spanish message)
"The error message can't be showed because an additional resource is not
How can I add this resources to see the message text?
I'm using VS2005 B2 and SQL CE 2005
The complete code with the error is:
myConn = new SqlCeConnection(myConnTxt);
// Retry Data
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand(
"Select MYKEY"
+ ",sum(amt) amt,sum(amtpen) amtpen,sum(amt + amtpen) total,sum(amtpry)
+ ",sum(amtb) amtb,sum(amtyb) amtyb";
+ " From POCKET"
+ " where hp_year=" + combo_Year.Text + "and hp_mes=" + mes.ToString()
+ " group by MYKEY"
, myConn);
myDataSet = new DataSet("myDataset");
SqlCeDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd);
myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "mitabla");
// Add a new calculated column
myDataSet.Tables["mitabla"].Columns["amtb"].DataType = typeof(Decimal);
I think this line is not needed
myColumn = new DataColumn("COB", typeof(Decimal));
myColumn.Expression = "iif( amtb=0,0,100)"; // Error here <<<<<<
If I remove the line with the Expression the program works.
Alex Feinman said:
What error?
Bahamas said:
But... Why I get an error with tese sentences...
myDataSet.Tables["mitabla"].Columns["amtb"].DataType = typeof(Decimal);
myColumn = new DataColumn("COB", typeof(Decimal));
myColumn.Expression = "iif( amtb=0,0,100)"; <<<<< Error here
"iif( B = 0, 0, a * 100 / B )"
I have add a new Datacolum to DataTable like this
myDataCol.Expression = "(A * 100)/ B";
The problem is that B sometimes is 0 so I get the divided by zero
I would like something like if B <> 0 then....
Any Idea?